Performance Management as a Tool for Accountability in the Local Government Sector: A Case of Enoch Mgijima Municipality, Eastern Cape
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Published: 14 January 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
This study aimed at investigating performance management as a tool for Accountability in local government sector. It touched on aspects such as the nature of performance management systems (PMS), challenges associated with PMS implementation and sought to develop a framework for effective implementation of PMS at Enoch Mgijima Municipality. Literature examined in the study focussed on the legislative framework governing performance management, conceptualization, historical background and purpose of performance management systems. The research employed qualitative research methodology and has used interviews for senior management and questionnaire to all other respondents including senior management as a data collection method. The analysis and interpretation were chronologically arranged according to thematic analysis procedures. The shortfalls were identified as being among others lack PMS knowledge, lack of resources, and non-compliance with the submission dates and incomplete documentation (Portfolio of Evidence). The research also revealed that there are no proper considerations of training needs. Therefore, there is a need for the municipality to do audit of the Workplace Skills Plan of senior managers and middle managers so that they can receive proper training.
Keywords: Performance Management, Accountability, Local government, Performance appraisal, Performance Reward System.

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How to Cite
Ncedo Prince Momoza, DR. C. Okafor. (2020-01-14). "Performance Management as a Tool for Accountability in the Local Government Sector: A Case of Enoch Mgijima Municipality, Eastern Cape." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-10